Q. What are the ideal ranges for my chemicals to be?
A. Although there are many things to test for, the basic chemical levels will be;
Chlorine 1.5-3.0 ppm
pH 7.2-7.6
Total Alkalinity 80-120
Cyanuric Acid (stabilizer) 30-50 ppm
Calcium Hardness 250-500 ppm
Q. Why is my motor so loud?
It could be as simple as something caught in the impeller. Often times,
though, when a motor is getting steadily louder it is the internal
bearings wearing out and the motor needs replaced.
Q. What would cause debris to come back through the jets/returns in my pool?
Depending on the type of filter (cartridge, D.E. or sand) it could be
that the cartridge is not seated properly or an o-ring is worn. Its
possible that over time your filter could wear out and tear along a seam
or perforation point.
Q. What is different about your pool closings and why do they stand out?
Depending on the service company you use differences may be minimal.
First, we clear all of your pipes and equipment free of water with
compressed air. Second, we follow up by sending a minimal amount of
antifreeze through the pipes and equipment. This ensures a quality and
trouble free closing that cuts down on cost and troubles associated with
too much swimming pool antifreeze. Its a full service closing so you
can sit back, relax and have peace of mind that everything is done
Q. Why should we decide on your company instead of a competitor?
I do my best to ensure my customers are always happy with the service
they've received. If you're ever unhappy with anything, please, feel
free to inform me and I will do my best to correct it. From a price
point we are extremely competitive. If you're able to find a comparable
service for less money I will try to match the price. The service we
provide is top notch, professional, courteous and extremely hard to
Q. Why are people so concerned with pH?
A. There are many reasons that pH plays a big factor in your water chemistry.
Low pH
the pH is too low(acidic) it can cause premature wear to your pool and
equipment. Not only damaging the equipment and structure of the pool,
low pH(under 7.0) can cause your chlorine to become unstable. This will
cause you to use an excessive amount of chlorine to try and sanitize the
water properly. Low pH can also cause eye, nose and skin irritability.
High pH
pH can also cause eye, nose and skin irritability. It can also cause an
excess amount of scaling on the structure and in the equipment of the
pool. Just as low pH, high pH can also cause decreased sanitation
effectiveness of the water. Another problem you might run into is
cloudy/murky pool water.
Those are a few reasons why pH
is such an important factor in your water chemistry. One of the first
things I check when testing water is the pH. If your pH isn't in line,
it will only make things worse.
The FAQ's are being
updated periodically. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions
you need assisted with. We're always glad to help!